Monday, May 30, 2005

Dotsie Bregel and Boomer Women Speak

What's your line? Tell us about your business or business pursuits.
I am the founder of Boomer Women Speak, the fastest growing site for baby boomer women on the Web. I am in the business of giving baby boomer women a voice. I’m passionate about allowing them opportunities to encourage, connect, and support one another with their stories.

How long have you been in your profession, or in your current business? was launched October 31, 2002. Approximately six months of preparation took place before the site was launched.

What prompted you to start your own business?
I have been a stay at home mom and the empty nest was staring me in the face. I was searching for something to fulfill my heart’s desire of encouraging women and building community.

How did you decide what business to pursue?
I hunkered down in prayer, searched the core of my being, and chose to use my God given gifts. I was led to begin this project through prayer.

Describe how your prior experiences influenced or helped you.
I am a networker by nature with leadership qualities and I enjoy working with women. For more than 20 years I have intentionally developed my Christian spirituality. I believe God has been strengthening my faith in preparation for managing Boomer Women Speak. He has graciously given me the tools I need to continue on this path.

What help did you receive in order to set up your business?
I researched sites for women and connected with an awesome web designer who gave me excellent advice.

Are there resources or networking you find beneficial in your current business?
Books, Web sites, and newsletters! I’m an avid reader. I’m forever reading about baby boomer women, leadership, promotion, site development, and faith.

I believe we have to put ourselves out there. We must ask questions, email people we don’t know, and never be shy. I’ve found everyone is willing to help with my mission. When I treat people with kindness they generally treat me the same way in return.

Did your present business require a financial investment to get started?
Yes. It has been a step in faith for my husband and me, but we believe in the project wholeheartedly.

If so, how did you acquire or fund the start-up costs?
This has been a personal investment.

What major roadblocks have you experienced? Explain how you dealt with them.
In the early stages of this endeavor one of the main thrust was publishing an anthology. Rejections by agents and publishers have been roadblocks, but I haven’t seen them as major. I deal with all set backs through prayer. I have faith that God has a plan for my life and Boomer Women Speak. I know everything occurs in His perfect timing, not mine. This attitude gives me great peace because I have faith that the rejections are part of His plan. It is still my hope that the anthology will be published. I have simply broadened my scope by focusing on the potential of the Web site.

Have you made mistakes you would like to share with other women entrepreneurs?
There have been times I hit the SEND button too quickly, but that’s about the extent of it. We need to think before we talk and send emails. Our words can never be taken back. That’s an important lesson to learn.

How many hours a day does your business require of you?
I have a home office so I work crazy hours. I carve out time when my husband and children are occupied. I spend approximately 40 hours a week with BWS.

How do you feel your income from your business compares to the income you would receive if you were in the traditional business sector, or workforce? Are you meeting your financial expectations or needs?
This is an area I’m working on. I had visions of landing a book deal with one of the better publishing houses, and using the advance to fund the site. This hasn’t happened to date. This is the reason I’m now selling advertising. I need the site to pay for itself. As my husband said, “Maybe it’s not about making money”. We understand this to be my ministry, my way of giving back for all the blessings we’ve so graciously been given.

How do you rate your job frustration over the past week?
I am passionate about this project. My biggest frustration lies in finding time to reply to all my emails. I guess that’s a nice problem to have.

How do you rate your job satisfaction over the past week?
This has been a good week. All my advertising is sold for June and almost for July without much effort. Also, I feel deep satisfaction any time I enter my forums and see the wise and warm communication taking place. Women truly work at healing one another within the forums and that brings me tremendous satisfaction.

What has been your biggest challenge in running your own business?
When I launched Boomer Women Speak the original intent was to have a place to gather stories for the anthology. My biggest challenge has been getting my anthology published. I realize God may have different plans for me. The site has taken off, but the book hasn’t been picked up. I’m beginning to understand it’s more about the site. I’m willing to see what else God has in mind for BWS.

What has been your biggest satisfaction in running your own business?
My biggest satisfaction has been corresponding with all the women who have shared their stories. It has been a life changing event for me and one that has caused tremendous growth. I hope I have become a more loving and less judgmental person. My prayer is that these very things that have happened to me are also occurring in the hearts of the women on the site. We all need to be more accepting of one another. We need to realize we have more similarities than differences.

Remember that old advertisement, if you had a beauty secret, would you share? If you had a business secret, would you share? If you would share, what is your business secret?

Success is all about relationships.

Treat others the way you want to be treated.


Always have in mind what you can do for the other person. Consider what you can do to help them succeed.

Be daring and put yourself out there. Ask questions, seek help.

Remember, it isn’t always what you say, but what others say about you.

Be sure to leave a lasting impression.

People will promote the people they like.

Always be grateful and show appreciation.

What advice would you give women who would like to become self-employed?
Research, do your homework. Go with your passion. Believe in yourself, because if you don’t, no one else will.

While you are juggling your business, home, and relationships, do you feel sometimes one part of your life is overemphasized, while another part might be neglected? If so, how do you reclaim a good balance?
I read the Bible, journal, and pray each day. This helps me feel centered.

What’s hardest about interweaving the different parts of your life?
The hardest part is making time for everything. I never want my husband or children to think my work is more important than them.

Does your present employment reflect your childhood interests or dreams?
Not really. Boomer Women Speak is something that evolved through self exploration and prayer at midlife. I have, however always been a people person who thrives on relationships.

How are you preparing your children to be ready to reach for their own dreams?
I try to encourage my children and build them up. I want them to believe in themselves and know they are called by God to use the gifts He’s given them for His glory. I speak with them about their gifts and how they should tap into them when choosing a profession. This is a tough concept while they are teens, but I believe they’ve heard it enough that they will come back to it.

If you could do anything, what would it be?
I think I’m doing it.

Where do you see yourself and your business 5 years from now? 10 years?
I hope to be the expert on baby boomer women. I intend to begin speaking about our generation of women. So many speak for us and about us, but I think it’s important to have a spokesperson for boomer women who is also a boomer woman. I’m praying I’m that person.

Is there any one thing you can point to that was absolutely critical to your success?
People tell me they love my spirit. I believe it is God’s spirit being lived out through me (only when I’m at my best). God knows my shortcomings and I know He doesn’t want to be associated with them. My passion for connecting, encouraging, and supporting women is obvious. People appreciate the authenticity.

If you could go back in time to change anything, what would you do differently?
I would have begun this project sooner, but I realize it needed time to be revealed to me. I had to enter a desolate time (after the death of my mom, and facing the empty nest)
to discern my call. I trust it is all in God’s timing.

© answers copyrighted by Dotsie Bregel, 2005

Dotsie Bregel is the Executive Founder of, the #1site for baby boomer women on the Web. She is a writer, speaker, and expert on baby boomer women. She believes sharing our stories allows opportunities for healing.


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