Tuesday, June 28, 2005

BeBe Burnett and Burnett Group Enterprises, LLC

What's your line? Tell us about your business or business pursuits.
Burnett Group Enterprises, LLC. We have three online stores: http://www.ladiesgolfaccessories.com/, http://www.collegefansite.com/, http://www.seniorinformationsite.com/, the last one is scheduled to open June 2005. We list products on ebay. We deliver products that are needed and wanted to customers.

How long have you been in your profession, or in your current business?
The company was formed in May 2002.

What prompted you to start your own business?
There was a need for the products we sell and we are trying to fulfill that need, through competitive pricing and specific products.

How did you decide what business to pursue?
Ladies need golf gifts because most stores sell golf gifts for men. Ladies golf gifts are difficult to find.College fans are always searching for gifts. We want to offer what is popular in collegiate gifts.Senior citizens need help with gifts and health aids. We want to alleviate some of the trouble they may be having finding products.We are keeping our pricing the same as physical stores, or below physical stores.

Describe how your prior experiences influenced or helped you.
I was raised by two parents, who were very unselfish givers. I watched as they so lovingly gave to family and friends. I am proud of the way that my parents influenced my life to enjoy helping others.

Are there resources or networking you find beneficial in your current business?
Yes, I have met wonderful customers, business associates and vendors that I enjoy contacting.

Did your present business require a financial investment to get started?
Yes, we needed funds to set up our online stores.

If so, how did you acquire or fund the start-up costs? It was savings that we had acquired.
What major roadblocks have you experienced? Explain how you dealt with them.
There are lots of roadblocks that we have encountered. One that stands out is the news that I received in February, 2004. After tests were done, the doctor shook his head, reading the report. After what seemed like several hours, he looked up at me and said, “You have a brain tumor.” On March 18, 2004, I had brain surgery to remove 2 tumors the size of 2 peas. Recovery was slow, but I kept going. I knew that laying in the bed feeling sorry for myself was not the way I was going to go. I have a few problems today, but I do not let that stop me.

Have you made mistakes you would like to share with other women entrepreneurs?
I need to be more organized. That is a characteristic of me. Mistakes occur and they are inevitable. Just move on and keep going.

How many hours a day does your business require of you?
I need to put in 8 hours a day. I have a mother that I visit, I have 3 sons, a daughter-in- law, grandson and granddaughter that I visit. I have friends and family that I visit. I work some hours at night, sometimes in bits and pieces during the day. The importance of my family and friends sustains me and keeps me working.

How do you feel your income from your business compares to the income you would receive if you were in the traditional business sector, or workforce?
I am not showing a profit at this time, but I am sure what I am making now is higher than if I was in the traditional business sector. The reason for this is because there are few demands for a 59 year old woman.

Are you meeting your financial expectations or needs?
I have more expenses than profit and am hopeful that a profit will show soon.

How do you rate your job frustration over the past week? Very high.
Month? Very high
Year? Very high, business has been down for this 2005 year.

How do you rate your job satisfaction over the past week?
I am excited about all the new products that we are going to be selling. I am enthusiastic and hope that our customers will be also.
Month? Very satisfied as I know that business will pick up soon.
Year? Very satisfied as we have another website that we are starting.

What has been your biggest challenge in running your own business?
The expenses.

What has been your biggest frustration in running your own business?
The expenses.

What has been your biggest satisfaction in running your own business?
Pleasing customers and making friends with business associates, vendors and customers.

Remember that old advertisement, if you had a beauty secret, would you share? If you had a business secret, would you share? If you would share, what is your business secret?
1) Treat people with dignity and respect.
2) Be honest in all you do.
3) Expect something good each and every day. 4) Do the best you can do each day.

What advice would you give women who would like to become self-employed?
Do something that you like to do, find a need and fill it.

While you are juggling your business, home, and relationships, do you feel sometimes one part of your life is overemphasized, while another part might be neglected?
I am a juggler. I am trying very hard to get all the important events in my life. I believe I can do this for I love all the things in my life. I love God. I love my family, my friends, my church, my company, my business associates, my customers and my vendors.

If so, how do you reclaim a good balance?
I just keep going and don’t read as many magazines as I used to read. I work at night. I work weekends.

What’s hardest about interweaving the different parts of your life?
I do not get enough hours in the day to finish all the things that I would like to finish.

Does your present employment reflect your childhood interests or dreams?
As mentioned earlier, I was raised in by two very unselfish parents. They put others first in their lives. Yes, the online stores that we have are closely related to my upbringing. I put my customers first. I respect their needs and treat them as I would my best friend. I enjoy giving people what they are seeking; whether that be information, a collegiate gift, a golf prize or a health aid for a senior citizen.

How are you preparing your children to be ready to reach for their own dreams?
My three sons are seeing first-hand that this job of independence from corporations is not easy. There are setbacks which you have to be able to jump over and “Keep ‘a going.” You cannot be negative—always be open for that something good that is getting ready to happen.

Any idea what you would be doing now if you weren't doing this?
Waiting on my husband.

If you could do anything, what would it be?
Make money to pay expenses, pay the church, give gifts to family and friends, find some new clothes. Where do you see yourself and your business 5 years from now?
I see, in 5 years, running several online stores to fulfill the need of customers with a profit shown. 10 years? I see, in 10 years, satisfaction with customers and profit overwhelming expenses.

Is there any one thing you can point to that was absolutely critical to your success?
Yes, there is. My family and my faith in God.

My father was wonderful. He died in October, 1994, from cancer. He gave me the intestinal fortitude to embark on an endeavor such as 3 online stores. He gave me the ability to believe in myself, when others did not. He gave me the confidence to see myself as successful. His very name keeps me going because I know if he were here with me (and he is), he would be telling me to not get down and to do my best and everything good will fall into place. He gave me the good fortune to understand that I, and only I, am responsible for my actions; whether that be good or bad. He gave me the strength that tells me I can do anything that I want to do. When you are faced with an obstacle, go for it and be happy.

My mother is wonderful. She is very loving and caring, like my Father. She has taught me so much. When I had my brain tumor roadblock, she found me a poem, ‘Keep A-Goin’,’ by Frank Stanton. It has become my motto.

My mother likes this by John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church:
“Do all the good you can;
By all the means you can;
In all the places you can;
At all the times you can;
To all the people you can;
As long as ever you can.”

Also this describes my mother: “Some people radiate an indescribable glow, as beautiful as any sunset, that changes the atmosphere whenever they enter a room. They have a loving spirit that brings joy and disperses tension. I know several people who have this gift, and I’m sure you do, too. What is their secret? Simply, it’s having an awareness of God’s presence in their own lives that lights up everything around them. They believe in God, and ask Him daily to ‘make his face to shine upon them’ (Numbers 6:25). Lifetime of Positive Thinking by Ruth Stafford Peale.

My sons are wonderful and so is my daughter- in-law, grandson and granddaughter. They are a reason that I work. They give me the support and encouragement that sustains me through hard times. They have become my friends and I rejoice. I enjoy people and giving them what they want. My sons are very thoughtful and kind to me and others. I believe, when the time comes, that they will be very successful running Burnett Group Enterprises, LLC. God has surely blessed me with good parents and sons, daughter-in- law and grandchildren, family and friends.

My husband has been sharing his money with me for 38 years, and I am very grateful to him for that.

The Lord has surely blessed me with a very interesting life full of surprises and accomplishments.



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